Apple Breeding
The next time you crunch into a Snapdragon or juice drips down your chin from a Honeycrisp, take a minute to acknowledge all the time and effort that went into developing these amazing apple varieties, and know that it all started at the core of one single apple.
What Makes Specialty Apples So Special?
We often get asked why our Specialty Apple selection is so special - in this blog post, we are highlighting just why this selection deserves the status.
Happy Birthday, Johnny!
Raising a glass (of hard cider of course!) to the man who became a legend, and who found, at the core of all those apples, a source of health and prosperity for thousands of early Americans.
Behind the Scenes: Grafting!
If planting an apple seed will give you an apple tree with completely unique apples, how do we produce apple trees with the same apple varieties that we know we want to grow, market, and eat? The answer is … grafting.
The Incredible Diversity of Apples
The incredible diversity of apples can be traced all back to a single seed…and a lot more science.