End of an Era
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

End of an Era

So yes, this is a sad time… but we are reminded of all the good we’ve done the past 105 years, all of the lives we’ve impacted, all of the relationships we’ve established, all of the healthy food we put on tables.  Thank you for all of your kindness and support during such a difficult time.  And remember to buy local whenever and however you can!  You can truly make a difference.

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In Loving Memory of our Matriarch
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

In Loving Memory of our Matriarch

As we wind down the month of May,  I wanted to take a moment to shine a spotlight on one of our most favorite people, the matriarch of the family, Wanda Oakes. 

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Off-Season Era
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

Off-Season Era

This early spring also means that we’re scrambling to finish up our off-season tasks a month earlier than we normally would - between pruning, vehicle maintenance, and selling our 2023 crop, we are keeping busy!

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Keeping the Crunch
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

Keeping the Crunch

Apples have, for hundreds of years, been harvested in the fall and then stored for later use. But how they’re stored has changed a lot over the years - here’s a look at how we keep our apples fresh and crisp.

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A Quiet Walk
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

A Quiet Walk

And as I was out in that cold, quiet orchard today, I realized that actually most living beings need that downtime. Most living things have moments or periods of rest – to reset, to recharge. I felt it briefly today during my little walk in our little Upick orchard.

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Great Lakes Fruit Belt
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

Great Lakes Fruit Belt

Let’s recognize the unique growing zone that is the Great Lakes Fruit Belt and acknowledge the terroir of our region that produces such delicious fruit. We are so grateful for the natural protection offered by Lake Ontario that saved our crop from a total loss this year.

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 Apple Breeding
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

Apple Breeding

The next time you crunch into a Snapdragon or juice drips down your chin from a Honeycrisp, take a minute to acknowledge all the time and effort that went into developing these amazing apple varieties, and know that it all started at the core of one single apple.

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Happy Birthday, Johnny!
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

Happy Birthday, Johnny!

Raising a glass (of hard cider of course!) to the man who became a legend, and who found, at the core of all those apples, a source of health and prosperity for thousands of early Americans.

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Behind the Scenes: Grafting!
Alix Gilman Alix Gilman

Behind the Scenes: Grafting!

If planting an apple seed will give you an apple tree with completely unique apples, how do we produce apple trees with the same apple varieties that we know we want to grow, market, and eat? The answer is … grafting.

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